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Posts tagged with Gorge Inn Archives - Powerlines

See Skagit: Dam Good Chicken Dinner

This summer, see the many places and meet the many faces of Skagit. Meet Chris Gochenour. He’s part of the culinary team behind Skagit’s hottest dinner reservation—the immensely popular Dam Good Chicken Dinner. When he’s not cranking out chicken for hungry visitors, you can catch Chris serving up meals at… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle City (spot)Light: John “Mark” McGee

For the past seven years, Mark McGee has dished out happy smiles and full stomachs as cook at the Gorge Inn at City Light’s Skagit project.

City Light Recognized by State Historic Preservation Officer Awards

The Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) recently announced that Seattle City Light is one of the 11 recipients for the State Historic Preservation Officer’s Awards for Outstanding Achievement in Historic Preservation.