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UPDATE: Repair Crew Working to Restore Power in Renton

A Seattle City Light repair crew is working to restore power to six customers in Renton. The outage started when an elbow connector in an underground vault failed early this morning. The estimate for restoration of service is 6 p.m.

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Power Restored in Burien

Seattle City Light repair crews have restored power to all customers affected by an outage in Burien.

Burien Power Outage Update

Seattle City Light crews are working to restore power for about 250 customers in Burien, who lost power when a tree fell into power lines Thursday night.

Seattle City Light Customers Appreciate Stewardship, Conservation

Seattle City Light customers value the utility’s environmental stewardship and energy conservation efforts, according to the latest customer satisfaction study by J.D. Power and Associates, which ranked City Light among the nation’s best utilities.

DaVonna Johnson Named Human Resources Officer

Seattle City Light Superintendent Jorge Carrasco announced that DaVonna Johnson has accepted the position of human resources officer for the utility.

Seattle City Light Seeks Customers’ Help in Storm Preparedness

As it prepares for storm season, Seattle City Light is asking its customers to update the contact information on their accounts so the utility can better respond when outages occur.

Technical Difficulties Resolved on Account Update Page

Technical difficulties some Seattle City Light customers encountered Monday with a page on our Web site that allows customers to update their account information have been corrected.

Seattle City Light Offers Tips to Beat the Heat

As weather forecasters predict an unusually long stretch of record and near-record high temperatures in Seattle this week, Seattle City Light wants to remind its customers that they can stay cool while conserving energy and keeping their electricity bills low.

Seattle City Light Makes Progress on Streetlights

In the month since Mayor Greg Nickels accelerated funding for streetlight replacement and repair, Seattle City Light has replaced 3,000 lights as part of its continuing relamping program and completed relamping work in Belltown. “City Light recognizes the importance of good street lighting for our residents, local businesses and neighborhoods,”… [ Keep reading ]