Outage mostly restored; one customer on backup power
SeaTac/Burien outage mostly restored with just one customer in Tukwila is on backup power.
SeaTac/Burien outage mostly restored with just one customer in Tukwila is on backup power.
Outage in SeaTac/Burien. Loss of power to more than 9,000 .
Approximately 3,023 homes and businesses had their power restored just before 3 p.m. this afternoon following an outage that began at about 1:50 p.m. today, affecting people primarily in Loyal Heights, Crown Hill and Blue Ridge.
Approximately 3,023 homes and businesses lost power in Seattle’s northend at about 1:50 p.m. today, affecting people primarily in the Loyal Heights, Crown Hill and Blue Ridge areas. A repair crew was immediately dispatched to identify the problem and make repairs. An estimate for when power might be restored is… [ Keep reading ]
A vehicle accident with a light pole has caused an outage affecting 2,947 customers in North Seattle and Shoreline. Power was lost at 9:55 p.m. Crews are en route, and they estimate that power will be restored by 11:30 p.m. The boundaries of the outage are: North: North 205th Street… [ Keep reading ]
Seattle – City Light crews have restored power to Seattle Center after working on repairs to a failed underground vault that briefly left 6,800 customers in Queen Anne without power this morning. Power was shut off this afternoon to work on those repairs, affecting about 360 customers on the Seattle… [ Keep reading ]
An outage affecting approximately 3,800 customers in the Queen Anne neighborhood was reported about 7 p.m.
Power was restored just after 1 p.m. to all customers in NE Seattle following outages that began at 10:10 Saturday morning. At that time, there were 7,023 customers without power. The causes of both outages have been determined to be cable failures. The original boundaries of the outages were: N:… [ Keep reading ]