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Navigating Seattle City Light’s Rate Changes: Your Questions Answered

As we continue into the new year, we have received many inquiries about the recent rate adjustments. So, we’ve compiled the following list of frequently asked questions to keep our community informed. Why did Seattle City Light raise rates, and when did this change happen? In 2022, the Seattle City… [ Keep reading ]

Lighten Your Load: Saving Energy and Money in 2024

As of January 1, 2024, City Light has implemented new electricity rates. These new rates were adopted by the Seattle City Council in the fall of 2022 and include two automatic surcharges. While we know rate increases can be a burden, we’re here to empower you with information, resources, and… [ Keep reading ]

Learn more about how you use energy with our new 15-minute usage view

Did you know you can do more at than just view and pay your City Light bill? Ever since we launched the Utility Services Website, we’ve been continually improving the utility services available to give you the best customer experience possible. Now, we’re proud to share our newest feature,… [ Keep reading ]

Weather challenges, demand increases, and rising costs result in changes to customer electricity rates

Seattle City Light will implement new rates effective Jan. 1, 2024. In addition to the planned 4.5% base rate increase adopted by City Council last fall, we will apply two automatic surcharges: The anticipated bill increase for a typical residential customer will be about $9 per month, or $18 per… [ Keep reading ]

Why a heat pump water heater works for your home

Many homes rely on traditional gas or electric powered water heaters for bathing, laundry, and dishwashing. Hot water is something that we can often take for granted until one morning we wake up to a tepid shower and realize that our trusty old water heater has finally let us down…. [ Keep reading ]

Plant a Tree for a More Comfortable, Energy Efficient Home

Trees have long lives, and choosing a new tree is a big decision. So, make sure to plant a tree when it has the best chance to grow and stay healthy. Fall is a great time to plant a new tree in the Pacific Northwest. With the rains and cooling… [ Keep reading ]

Solar Power Is Viable in the PNW

The Pacific Northwest isn’t the first place you think of when solar energy for the home comes to mind. But you’ll be pleasantly surprised to know that Seattle averages 164 sunny or partly sunny days per year. We see more hours of daylight on those days, increasing the potential for… [ Keep reading ]

Save Energy and Money With These Spring-Cleaning Tips

The equinox is here, so it’s officially time for spring cleaning. While you could stay focused on the traditional chores (clearing gutters, changing out wardrobes, dusting…everything), consider this a chance to conserve energy, save money, and stay comfortable. You don’t have to take on big projects either; you can do… [ Keep reading ]

Stay Safe When Spring Planting

Spring is here, and we’re eager to get out in our yards to garden. But before you plant that cute little vine, shrub, or tree, remember to avoid planting it too close to utility poles or near overhead power lines. Look up and look around before planting, and be sure… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle City Light and Seattle Public Utilities Awarded $18 Million to Customers in Need

Seattle, WA—Seattle City Light and Seattle Public Utilities announced today that they awarded more than $18 million dollars to customers in 2022. These funds were distributed to eligible residential customers enrolled in the utilities’ bill assistance programs and/or payment plans and applied directly to customers’ billing accounts. The Washington State… [ Keep reading ]