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Posts tagged with residential customers Archives - Page 4 of 4 - Powerlines

Residential Customer Candidate Sought for City Light Review Panel

Seattle City Councilmember Alex Pedersen is currently seeking a candidate to serve on the City Light Review Panel and represent our residential rate-paying customers. The Review Panel, established in 2010 through City Council Ordinance Number 123256, plays an important role in providing input and engagement of City Light ratepayers in the… [ Keep reading ]

7 Simple Things You Can Do To Use Less Energy and Save Nearly $500 a Year

Turn Off The Lights And Replace Incandescent Bulbs.  It only takes a few seconds to conserve energy: just remember to always turn off your lights when you leave a room. And switching to energy-efficient LED light bulbs can save you about $75 each year. Program Your Thermostat.Save as much as $180 a… [ Keep reading ]

City of Seattle can Help Pay Your Electric and Utility Bills

Traducción Española | dịch tiếng Việt | 中文翻譯 | 한국어 번역 Tarjumaadda Af-Soomaaliga | የአማርኛ ትርጉም COVID-19 has affected Seattle residents in many ways. Many people, including older adults and families, are facing tough times due to job loss. The City of Seattle can help people who are struggling to… [ Keep reading ]