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Crews Restore Power to Customers in NE Seattle

Power has been fully restored to customers in NE Seattle. The outage affected 9,800 customers from Wedgwood to Lake City. High winds and toppled trees were the cause of the outage.

Wind, Trees Cause Power Outages in NE Seattle

Seattle City Light crews were working to restore service to about 9,800 homes and businesses Tuesday evening after high winds blew trees into power lines in Northeast Seattle.

Power Restored in NE Seattle

Seattle City Light crews restored service to all customers affected by a power outage Tuesday in the Ravenna, Roosevelt, View Ridge and Wedgwood neighborhoods.

Crews Responding to Power Outage in NE Seattle

Seattle City Light crews were responding to a power outage affecting about 3,800 homes and businesses in the Ravenna, Roosevelt, View Ridge and Wedgwood neighborhoods Tuesday afternoon.

Power Restored in NE Seattle

Seattle City Light crews restored power about 2:45 p.m. to all 3,600 homes and businesses that were affected by a power outage in the Ravenna, Roosevelt, View Ridge and Wedgwood neighborhoods of northeast Seattle Tuesday.

Seattle City Light Crews Responding to Power Outage in NE Seattle

Seattle City Light crews were responding to a power outage Tuesday that affected about 3,600 customers in the Ravenna, Roosevelt, View Ridge and Wedgwood neighborhoods of northeast Seattle. Seattle City Light is the 10th largest public electric utility in the United States. It has some of the lowest cost customer rates of any urban utility, providing reliable, renewable and environmentally responsible power to nearly 1 million Seattle area residents. City Light has been greenhouse gas neutral since 2005, the first electric utility in the nation to achieve that distinction.

Failed Switch Caused Outage in Ravenna, Wedgwood, View Ridge, U District

A failed switch was the cause of a power outage that affected about 3,600 customers in the Ravenna, Wedgwood, View Ridge and University District neighborhoods, including the University of Washington.

Power Restored in Ravenna, Wedgwood

Seattle City Light restored service to about 3,600 homes and businesses in Ravenna and Wedgwood in about an hour after a falling tree branch cut power to the area.

Power Outage Affects 3,600 Customers in Ravenna, Wedgwood

Seattle City Light crews responded to reports of a power outage affecting about 3,600 customers in the Ravenna and Wedgwood neighborhoods about 1 p.m.

Power Restored to Ravenna, Wedgwood, Hawthorne Hills, Laurelhurst

Repair crews quickly restored power for the 3,300 customers in Ravenna, Wedgwood, Hawthorne Hills and Laurelhurst who had service interrupted by a failed undeground cable Thursday evening.