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Let it Snow: How City Light Snowpack Study Guides its Hydroelectric Production

The expansive Cascade Range serves as a backdrop throughout the Western U.S. With its iconic peaks piercing the sky; it’s no wonder that travelers from across the world visit the range each year. But the Cascade Range, specifically the North Cascades and the Canadian Cascades, is also vital to the… [ Keep reading ]

Five Reason to Visit Skagit Tours

North Cascades Highway has opened for the season—summer is on the horizon! The North Cascades Highway is packed with adventures including lowland fishing, more than 300 glaciers, and the one and only Skagit Tours, featuring the Skagit Hydroelectric Project owned by Seattle City Light. Just a couple hours from Seattle… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle City Light Announces Recipients of 2019 Wildlife Research Program Grants

Last week, City Light announced the recipients of four new Wildlife Research Program research grants aimed at gaining a better understanding of wildlife and ecosystems in the North Cascades.

5 Ways City Light Goes Green

With more than 40 years of conservation programs, a long history of producing clean hydropower and a zero-carbon footprint, City Light strives to be the Nation’s Greenest Utility.  In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, here are five ways our utility and customers go green! 1. Weatherizing Homes to Save Energy For low-income… [ Keep reading ]

Raising the levels: Seattle City Light’s work to keep the Skagit River communities safe

The Skagit Hydroelectric Project is responsible for more than 30% of the clean electricity produced by Seattle City Light. Situated near the North Cascades National Park Complex, the Skagit Project uses three dams: Gorge, Ross and Diablo and three reservoirs (or lakes) of the same name to maintain the water… [ Keep reading ]

5 Things to Explore at the Skagit Hydroelectric Project

Summer is in full swing here in the Pacific Northwest with the fall season peeking over the horizon. Before we know it, school will be back in session, leaves will start to change colors and the days will begin to get shorter. Now is the time to plan that one… [ Keep reading ]

Boundary Hydroelectric Project Receives National Historic Recognition

For more than 50 years, the Boundary Hydroelectric Project has powered Seattle with its clean hydropower. At 340 feet tall, the concrete double-curvature arch of Boundary Dam cuts an imposing figure on the Pend Oreille River in northeastern Washington. In January, City Light submitted an application to the Washington Department of… [ Keep reading ]

The Impact of the Solar Eclipse on City Light’s Energy Production

On Monday, Aug. 21, 2017, the Seattle area will experience its first solar eclipse since 1979. While the path of totality — where the moon’s shadow will completely block out the sun to viewers on Earth — runs through central Oregon, 92 percent of the sun will still be eclipsed… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle City Light Continues to Meet I-937 Requirements

Seattle City Light continues to meet the renewable energy and energy conservation requirements of the Energy Independence Act, passed by Washington state voters in 2006 as Initiative 937.

Soft Market for Surplus Energy Sales Triggers Electricity Surcharge

Low revenue from the surplus energy Seattle City Light sells to other utilities has triggered a 1.5 percent surcharge on electricity rates, starting in August.