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Posts tagged with (spot)Light Archives - Page 28 of 31 - Powerlines

Seattle City (spot)Light: Tomas Todd

Electrical Construction and Maintenance Supervisor Tomas Todd (aka T. Todd) just celebrated 20 years with Seattle City Light. Based at the utility’s North Service Center, his role encompasses the prioritization of the Relay Unit’s projects and support to the Distribution, Transmission and Power Production electrical systems. This includes Relay testing… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle City (spot)Light: John Abraham

Born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, John Abraham has been a public servant for the City of Seattle for more than 30 years. He joined the utility five years ago, but not before serving 26 years as a police officer for the Seattle Police Department. At age 17, he entered the… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle City (spot)Light: Igor Bulanyy

Senior Electrical Engineering Specialist Igor Bulanyy is no stranger to the trade. Celebrating his five-year anniversary with the utility this year, Igor’s rich knowledge of the sector includes a Master’s degree in electrical engineering from Kiev Polytechnical Institute and more than 45 years of industry experience. “I’ve being doing electricity… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle City (spot)Light: Rose Feliciano

Celebrating 15 years with the City of Seattle, Rose Feliciano is part of City Light’s Government and Legislative Affairs team where she’s served the utility since 2009. A Tennessee native, Rose moved to Southern California when she was nine, but ventured to the Pacific Northwest after graduating from Carnegie Mellon… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle City (spot)Light: Crystal Raymond

Climate Change Strategic Advisor Crystal Raymond has the passion and knowledge needed to achieve a clean and affordable energy future.

Seattle City (spot)Light: James Alexander

James Alexander discusses his journey at Seattle City Light from pre-apprentice lineworker to overhead crew chief.

Seatttle City (spot)Light: Doreen McGrath

In the time Doreen McGrath has spent at Seattle City Light, she has seen massive changes in its IT needs and its culture.

Seattle City (spot)Light: John “Mark” McGee

For the past seven years, Mark McGee has dished out happy smiles and full stomachs as cook at the Gorge Inn at City Light’s Skagit project.

Seattle City (spot)Light: Jerry Koenig

For City Light’s Jerry Koenig, it’s not a matter of “if,” it’s a matter of “when” an emergency will strike.

Seattle City (spot)Light: Christoper Giulini

Seattle City Light’s Chris Giulini talks about power trading, life in Seattle and his love of motorcycles