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Seattle City Light joins the third annual One Seattle Day of Service

On May 18, 2024, Seattle was charged with the power of community service. The third annual One Seattle Day of Service saw more than 2,500 volunteers at 130 service events across the Emerald City. The One Seattle Day of Service turns the values behind Mayor Harrell’s vision for One Seattle… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle City Light Honors Fallen Heroes at Annual Memorial Day Ceremonies

On May 23, Seattle City Light employees gathered for our annual Memorial Day Flag Raising Ceremony. Dozens of employees met to pay their respects to the servicemembers who died serving in the United States Armed Forces. This annual tradition holds special value for City Light employees, many of whom have… [ Keep reading ]

City Light Commissions Study to Explore Impacts of Medium- and Heavy-Duty Electrification

School shuttles, delivery vans, recycling trucks, and public transit buses are the next wave of electric vehicles to be hitting our roads. Reduced costs, ambitious policies, and advances in technology are driving forces behind the electrification of medium-and heavy-duty vehicles (MHDVs). Their adoption is expected to increase dramatically over the… [ Keep reading ]

Curbside EV Charging Becomes a Reality

Seattle City Light has 25 public Level 2 curbside electric vehicle (EV) charging stations throughout the City of Seattle. These charging stations provide the public with much needed access to Level 2 EV charging for residents who can’t use off-street parking to charge their vehicles. How does curbside charging work?… [ Keep reading ]

Why Electrical Safety Is Key to Saving Money

May is Electrical Safety Month. Now this might not seem directly tied to your electricity costs, but problems like faulty wiring, overloaded circuits, or improper use of appliances can increase your bills. By focusing on safety, you’re also making sure you’re using electricity efficiently. Here’s how keeping up with electrical… [ Keep reading ]

Together Toward a Sustainable Future: Highlights from the AEE West Conference

As we face the challenges of climate change, effective energy management becomes key. Last week, Seattle City Light and energy experts from across the west coast met at the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) West conference. The goal? To discuss strategies for a clean energy future. Seattle City Light and… [ Keep reading ]

Unveiling Seattle City Light’s Public Art Plan

This is part of a series of blog posts with our partner, Seattle Office of Arts & Culture, exploring the Seattle City Light Public Art Plan, created by Artist-in-Residence, Kate Clark. In 2021, we selected Kate Clark as Seattle City Light’s Artist-in-Residence. She was tasked with learning about the utility… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle City (spot)Light: Percy Schlimm, Senior Electric Service Representative

The Basics How long have you been at City Light? I started working for the City of Seattle in May 2003 and moved to Seattle City Light in January 2007. Division: Customer Engineering Tell us about your role: As an electric service representative, I coordinate projects between the utility and the… [ Keep reading ]

Strengthening Grid Resilience at ResiliEX Summit 2.0

Seattle City Light and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory recently hosted the ResiliEX Summit 2.0. The summit was held at Seattle City Hall from April 23 to 25. The theme of this three-day event was “Grid Resilience to Extreme Events.” The aim was to improve our understanding of extreme events… [ Keep reading ]

South Seattle College Marks Completion of New Solar Panel Installation

On April 23, South Seattle College celebrated a new solar array installation on top of Cascade Hall. This new 300-panel system can generate 86 kilowatts of clean energy, a significant improvement from the original 7-kilowatt array. This installation marks a leap forward in the college’s commitment to sustainability. It’s also… [ Keep reading ]