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Posts tagged with environment Archives - Page 6 of 9 - Powerlines

City Light’s Wildlife Research Program Recognized for Research on the American Pika

City Light’s Skagit River Hydroelectric Project Wildlife Research Program is producing new information on a species in the North Cascades: the American Pika. The American Pika (pictured above), a diurnal species closely related to rabbits, is found in the mountains of western North America and lives in the boulder fields… [ Keep reading ]

City Light Acquires Land For Salmon Habitat Revitalization

City Light recently acquired 61 acres of land along the Skagit River near Rockport, including approximately 1,500 feet of river frontage in a critical spawning reach of the Skagit River. The property is adjacent to other City Light, Skagit County and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife properties. This acquisition further… [ Keep reading ]

Innovative Pilot Project Seeks to Grow a Forest More Resilient to Climate Change

An innovative pilot project will replant portions of logged land now owned by Seattle City Light to grow a new forest that could be more resilient to climate change. Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust and its partners – City Light, Seattle Public Utilities and the Northwest Natural Resource Group —… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle City Light Named Environmental Champion for Fourth Consecutive Year

To be designated an Environmental Champion, a utility must facilitate consumption management, enable environmental causes, encourage environmentally friendly fleets and buildings, and generally show its customers a dedication to promoting clean energy.

Seattle City Light Supports Carbon Reductions as EPA Considers Replacing Clean Power Plan Rules

Seattle City Light is one of eight electric utilities that are urging the Environmental Protection Agency to maintain cost-effective carbon-reduction opportunities as the agency considers a replacement for the Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan.

City Light Opposes Federal Rule Favoring Coal, Nuclear Power

Seattle City Light is opposing a proposed federal rule change that would provide higher prices for baseload electricity generated by coal and nuclear power plants for reliability and resiliency attributes the U.S. Department of Energy claims they provide.

Seattle City Light Announces $1 Million of Green Up Grants

On September 29, 2017, Seattle City Light announced $1 million in community Green Up grants. The program supports renewable energy development and educational programs.

Seattle City Light Continues to Meet I-937 Requirements

Seattle City Light continues to meet the renewable energy and energy conservation requirements of the Energy Independence Act, passed by Washington state voters in 2006 as Initiative 937.

City Light’s Wildlife Research Program Awards Five Research Grants (Also, Cute Animal Photos)

At Seattle City Light, environmental responsibility is part of our mission. The same water that brings affordable hydroelectric power to our customers also provides for fish and wildlife in areas like the Skagit River Watershed. City Light’s stewardship of these lands is a duty and a privilege. As part of… [ Keep reading ]

City Light’s Comments on EPA Regulatory Reform

Read the full text of Seattle City Light’s letter to the Environmental Protection Agency regarding potential changes to existing environmental regulations.