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Power Restored to West Seattle Customers by 3 p.m. Sunday

Power was restored to all West Seattle customers at 2:59 p.m. today, Sunday. Crews replaced a pole and restrung wire after an early morning car-pole accident.

Power Being Restored to West Seattle Customers

Most of the West Seattle homes and businesses affected by an early-morning, car-pole accident have had their power restored.  Crews are on-site.  A few hundred customers will be without power as an additional outage is taken to replace the pole.  The estimated time of restoration is approximately 4-6 hours.

Crews Responding to West Seattle Outage

Crews responding to West Seatle outage.

Streetlight Inspections Update Jan. 7

Seattle City Light has completed inspections of its streetlights from downtown to the southern end of its service territory. Crews continue to work North of Denny Way.

Streetlight Inspections Update Jan. 6

Seattle City Light identified four streetlights giving off voltage Wednesday night. Crews immediately cut off power and started repairs. All of the incidents were found by City Light contractors during their inspections. There were no injuries.

Streetlight Inspection Update Jan. 5

Seattle City Light identified nine streetlights that were giving off voltage in the utility’s latest round of streetlight safety testing. No one was injured by any of the streetlights. In each case, City Light crews immediately cut power and started repairs.

Streetlight Inspection Update Jan. 3

Seattle City Light identified four streetlights that were giving off voltage in the utility’s latest round of streetlight safety testing. No one was injured by any of the streetlights. In each case, Seattle City Light crews immediately cut power and started repairs.

Service Restored for All Customers in Magnolia, Interbay, Westlake

Seattle City Light repair crews restored service about 9 p.m. to the final 21 customers affected by an outage caused by a falling tree that took down power lines on W Lawton Avenue.

Power Restored for Most in Magnolia, Interbay, Westlake

Power has been restored for most of the homes and businesses in Magnolia, Interbay and Westlake that lost service when a tree took down wires on W Lawton Avenue.

City Light Working to Restore Power in Magnolia, Interbay, Westlake

Seattle City Light crews were working to restore power in the Magnolia, Interbay and Westlake neighborhoods Sunday morning.