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Posts categorized under Jenn Strang, Author at Powerlines - Page 5 of 5

Energy Efficient Tips to Carry You into Fall

It’s Energy Efficiency Day – what better time to shine a spotlight on energy saving tips to help you keep your home operating smoothly and efficiently as we head into the cooler months. Make the switch to LED Turning off lights that aren’t in use is an easy and cost-effective… [ Keep reading ]

City Council approves City Light rate increases in 2023, 2024

After deferring or reducing increases in recent years, utility responds to pressures of inflation, growth and new technologies. Seattle City Light is a public, not-for-profit utility, and we make decisions for the long-term benefit of our community and customers. We work hard to keep rates low and predictable for all… [ Keep reading ]

Georgetown Flume Project Approved by Council Committee

The Seattle City Council Transportation & Utilities Committee voted today to approve the transfer of the unused Georgetown Flume site. In doing so, a vacant property takes a step toward a new life in service to the Georgetown and South Park communities. This decision allows Seattle City Light to transfer… [ Keep reading ]