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How to Get the Most Out of Your Energy Efficient Appliances

When buying a new appliance, there’s plenty to consider besides the upfront cost. But if you’ve compared efficiency ratings on EnergyGuide labels, checked for rebates, and picked an Energy Star appliance, you’re in good shape. Now, it’s time to get the most out of your energy-efficient appliances. This not only… [ Keep reading ]

What to Watch for When Buying a New Appliance

When buying a new appliance, cost and energy efficiency are increasingly important. We all want to save money and be more energy efficient. But it can be tough to make informed decisions about which items to buy. Washing machines, dishwashers, water heaters: these all greatly affect the environment and our… [ Keep reading ]

Building on Our Clean Energy Foundation

Did you know buildings in Seattle generate more than a third of the city’s total emissions? Natural gas, oil, and other fossil fuels that power furnaces, boilers, water heaters, and more create climate pollution. Fortunately, City Light’s electricity comes from renewable sources. When our customers switch to powering their homes and… [ Keep reading ]

More Ways to Lighten Your Load and Save Money

As we continue into the year, we want to keep sharing ways to help you cut waste and save money on your electricity bills. The new electricity rates have gone up, but reducing your electrical load helps you control your energy costs. Last time, we looked at several low- and… [ Keep reading ]

Lighten Your Load: Saving Energy and Money in 2024

As of January 1, 2024, City Light has implemented new electricity rates. These new rates were adopted by the Seattle City Council in the fall of 2022 and include two automatic surcharges. While we know rate increases can be a burden, we’re here to empower you with information, resources, and… [ Keep reading ]

Why a heat pump water heater works for your home

Many homes rely on traditional gas or electric powered water heaters for bathing, laundry, and dishwashing. Hot water is something that we can often take for granted until one morning we wake up to a tepid shower and realize that our trusty old water heater has finally let us down…. [ Keep reading ]

Save Energy and Money With These Spring-Cleaning Tips

The equinox is here, so it’s officially time for spring cleaning. While you could stay focused on the traditional chores (clearing gutters, changing out wardrobes, dusting…everything), consider this a chance to conserve energy, save money, and stay comfortable. You don’t have to take on big projects either; you can do… [ Keep reading ]

Heat Pump Basics

Chances are you’ve heard heat pumps mentioned quite a bit lately but it’s more than just a buzz word. These energy efficient, electric wonders are gaining in popularity in the United States due to new incentives via the Inflation Reduction Act and growing concern over the climate crisis. So what… [ Keep reading ]

Free Weatherization Program

The Seattle Office of Housing and Seattle City Light help income-eligible homeowners with affordable and equitable access to heat while reducing their energy bills with a free weatherization program offered by the Seattle Office of Housing. Since 1980, the Seattle Office of Housing, in conjunction with Seattle City Light, has… [ Keep reading ]

Cold Weather is Here: Tips for Reducing Your Energy Use While You Stay Warm

Inclement weather can be tough on your home, and if you haven’t done so yet, it’s a good time to prepare your home for the winter season! Follow these DIY tips to prepare your home — you’ll be more comfortable when the thermometer dips and save more on energy bills:… [ Keep reading ]